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The Energy Leadership Assessment

Energy Leadership™is the process that develops a personally effective style of leadership that positively influences and changes not only yourself, but also those with whom you work and interact, as well as your organization as a whole.


As an individual, you view the world through filters based on your experiences, values, and assumptions — they either limit what you see (like tunnel vision) or expand it (like a prism). You've most likely unconsciously developed these filters throughout your whole life and they significantly impact how you perceive things. This ultimately affects how you show up in different situations and could even be holding you back from realizing the full potential in yourself, your life, and your career.


What if you could apply metrics to these filters and assess how they’re influencing the results you're achieving? That’s precisely what iPEC’s Energy Leadership Index™ assessment (ELI) accomplishes. It’s an attitudinal assessment, not a personality-based one, and it puts a numerical value to the types of energy a person experiences and expresses:


  • Level 1: Feeling lost. Stuck. Lack of choice. I can’t. I have to. Fearful.

  • Level 2: Anger. Combativeness. Resisting or fighting energy.

  • Level 3: Rationalizing. Fine. Coping.

  • Level 4: Care. Compassion. Service to others.

  • Level 5: Reconciliation. Win-win. Solution-focused.

  • Level 6: Intuition. Creative genius. Visionary.

  • Level 7: Absolute Passion. Non-judgment. Oneness.


It’s normal for people to cycle up and down the energetic spectrum as they experience life but it’s also important to remember we are a mix of different energy levels, never just ONE single level. There is no "good" or "bad" energy per se but each type has inherent advantages and disadvantages and can be consciously used to reach specific goals. With the awareness and insights gained through ELI debriefs with me as your coach, you have the power to reshape your attitudes and worldviews as well as transform who you are.



  • The assessment

  • An emailed report summary of your results

  • A 90 minute debrief breaking down your results, mixed in with coaching and guidance that will help you discover the personal perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, beliefs and overall leadership capabilities that impact the decisions you make

©2021 | Kristine Iandiorio Coaching
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